Monday, February 27, 2006

If you play with fire...

Our cat (well, my roommate's cat really) caught her tail on fire.

I think she is a devil (I've had the dreams to prove it) and seeing her in a tiny flame and a smoking tail more or less proved that fact for me. (Altough, I must say, I did feel sorry for the lil bugger.)

Lillian (the cat) was fascinated with the small flame of the flickering candle. We tried to push her away from it, but she went back repeatedly. Couldn't get enough of the little flame. Next thing we know she's running around the living room in circles chasing her tail with a trail of smoke chasing her. Luckily, she has the bushiest tail I have ever seen on a cat, and her skin didn't burn.

And I was making dinner. Burnt cat was not on the menu.

Here's a picture of her tail, pre-brush through. We're still finding little pieces of it throughout the apartment.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Clean Break (in)

Last night my roommate came home to find two women in our kitchen. They weren't stealing our microwave or knives. They were cleaning it. That's right, we had a clean(ing) break in yesterday.
My bathroom was scrubbed down, as was the kitchen and my roommates' bathrooms. They even picked up everything off of my bedroom floor and vaccuumed.

Turns out they were supposed to be cleaning the apt. of the guy that used to live in our place, but he forgot to inform them he had since moved. After some confusion (good thing M speaks Spanish) they were led in the right direction.

Oh if only all break-ins could be so wonderful.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Eye See You

Old photographs from one of my undergrad photography classes. I liked them a lot more then. Thought I'd post 'em anyway.


Here's a part of a conversation for my screenwriting class.

I love you.

Are you insane?

I’ve given it a lot of thought, and I’m in love with you.

We’ve only known each other for two weeks.

And I’d like you to be my First Lady.

You aren’t president – of anything.

I intend to be one day. I think you’d be a good First Lady.

You didn’t even win City Council.

I think you’d be a good partner for my political career. You’d stand behind me.

I want my own political career.

We’ll put you on the school board somewhere.

It won’t work that way. I’d see it more like I’d be your Hillary and you’d be my Bill. And as long as no Monicas were involved, we’d be fine.

So you love me?


Why not?

I think you are insane.

But I’m your Bill. You’re my Hillary. I’ll never have any Monicas – I promise.

No – but I might.

Sure, part of it is based on truth...why not.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The Nose Knows Nothing

I have a pain in my neck.

It's been there since November.
It doesn't hurt. Never has. Just something that I am "aware" of.
Went to the doctor in December.
They told me it was my tonsils.
My throat didn't hurt.
Gave me meds.
It didn't go away.
Gave me different meds.
They made me sick. (even had to leave my screenwriting class on the first day)

Today, I finally went to an ENT. The appoinment went a little something like this:

After describing my symptoms...
P.A: Do you have heart burn?
Me: (confidently) No.
P.A. Are you sure?
P.A. Well, yes.

So, she says I have cryptic tonsils. I have to gargle with hydrogen peroxide. That's fine. But still, no answer to my question.

Enter the physician...

After a question and answer session, and a numbing of the nose, he stuck a probe with a little camera attached to the bottom up my nose and it curled down into my throat. I've never had a nosebleed, but today it wouldn't stop. On the plus side, I can breathe easier.

I'm not sure if the problem was ever really addressed. We talked about my name. Which seems like an odd thing to talk about while a probe is down your nose -- but I suppose it is as good a topic as any.

"So, you must be Greek," he says as he's lubing up a long tube-like apparatus. "Leah...that's not Greek. That's Hebrew."
"Yes, yes it is," I say. I didn't expect to get probed with any thing today and am mentally preparing myself for it.
"Know what it means?" he asked.
'Weary." ( My parents almost named my sister Rachel, which I think I might have taken offense to now knowing what it means, but that is an entirely different, I had a probe down my nose and tears running down my face -- didn't feel like explaining that one.
"My daughter's name is Leah. We didn't know if it was the best name for her as my wife was giving birth but thought, ah, what the hell, we like the way it sounds."

He showed me the pictures of my nose, throat, tonsils, etc. I did a lot of "uh, huhs" and "hmm, interesting" but really, I had no idea what I was looking at. Everything, he said, looks "normal."

He says I have acid reflux.

"I don't have any of the symptoms," I tell him.

He gives me a pamphlet.

"Look it over," he tells me. "Maybe you'll have some of the symptoms."

He gave me the pamphlet and I looked it over.

I don't have any of the symptoms.

But I do still have a pain in my neck.

My nose knows nothing about it.